Divide in Islam: Sunni & Shi'a and the Jewish Connection
Dr. Baryohay Davidoff
Wednesdays: 7:00-8:30 pm PT
May 10, 17
All courses require a minimum number of learners to proceed.
The split in Islam and the Islamic world into two major branches, Sunni and Shi’a, goes back to the very beginning of Islam. For 14 centuries, the conflict—mainly religious—between Sunni and Shi’a has shaped the social fabric, political, and religious life of Muslims with intervals of seemingly increasing violent encounters. Today, this conflict is visible on all fault lines where these two communities live alongside each other.
In this course, we will learn of the origins of this divide—historical developments and their oft-cited Jewish connections—while examining the religious and social implications of this conflict for both Muslims and the rest of the world.